Gypsy Paradise Footwear Stories

Gypsy Paradise Footwear Stories

A tight-knit band of men and women travelling around, spending their days making music, predicting the future and telling dark stories. In this theme, we see deep, rich colours and a contrast between velvet-like surfaces and shiny materials. Towering platform heels feature elaborate applications or embroidery styles that has a floral design, bling and very figurative.

Surfers Paradise – Tropical Footwear Trends

Surfers Paradise - Tropical Footwear Trends

Imagine a tropical beach in future Jamaica. Surfers moving from spot to spot to find the perfect surf in a carefree atmosphere that is laid back, yet constantly connected to social media and streaming music. This contrast between summer relaxation and modern connectivity shows in bright colors, comfortable silhouettes and an eclectic mix of floral, […]